I went to the pharmacy to pick up his medication and what do I find? nothing. So I said, “he is on an auto-fill plan how can this be?” It’s not logical The tech calls the pharmacist who explains it to me. “We call the doctor two weeks before the refill is…
Category: Health
Articles related to health are in this category. Articles may not be authored by a staff member of whynotfathers.com. Credit will be given where credit is due. If you see an article, that isn’t properly referenced, please send our admin an email with a link to the article, and the name of the original author.
Mental Health – a personal struggle.
I have been struggling for a while. It seems like some days are very dark. Snappy and snarky comebacks are my friend regardless of the context of the conversation. So I approached my doctor about it. I talked to her about: Insomnia – the lack of ability to sleep. Loneliness. – feeling alone, yet needing…
Fifteen Days Post FASD Camp
So fifteen days ago David had the opportunity to attend FASD Camp. Summer camp. The day I dropped him off, I snapped a selfie of the two of us. Minutes after snapping this photo, he was off meeting new friends with the same disability that he has. The Disability Yes. My son has a disability. …