Living a life filled with fear does things to the body. I have a number of chronic health issues, and the stress from this is exacerbating those health issues. Please, if you are reading this then you have either an interest in the topic, or are experiencing it yourself. Remember these key things. It’s not…
Category: Health
Articles related to health are in this category. Articles may not be authored by a staff member of Credit will be given where credit is due. If you see an article, that isn’t properly referenced, please send our admin an email with a link to the article, and the name of the original author.
What is it like to live in fear? Having never lived in a war zone, or been active in a war zone, I can’t say that our experience compares to that. What I can say is this. Living day to day on edge constantly because you don’t know from one minute to the next what…
Happy One Year Placement Anniversary David
Ironically, the day after we receive notice of denial of coverage of services for our son, is the anniversary of his placement at the current facility. It has been one year since we placed David in a facility 500 miles from home. Today, I am struggling with the stress of not knowing where we are…