Today, David and I had been having a great day. Laughing. The phone rang, since I had my hands in dishwater I asked him to answer it. He put it on speakerphone. I asked him to hold it close, instead he accused me of not wanting him around. How does, hold the phone equal “you…
Category: Health
Articles related to health are in this category. Articles may not be authored by a staff member of Credit will be given where credit is due. If you see an article, that isn’t properly referenced, please send our admin an email with a link to the article, and the name of the original author.
a brand new day
Today is a brand new day for David. This morning, he was complaining of being stiff and sore. So I talked about the work that his muscles did to support his body yesterday while he was manic. He said he doesn’t like it. In talking with David today, I learned that he was upset that…
what do you do when…
your child is manic and goes running down the street into traffic yelling, just kill me? We had the start of an episode tonight. I ignored it. I walked away. I turned the other cheek. Every time I refused to acknowledge the behavior, the behavior escalated. David started spraying something that we later learned was…