We picked up David today from the mental health unit. We were given two new prescriptions for him. We traveled home. I dropped the scripts off at the local pharmacy. I asked to be notified if the insurance company gives them any trouble filling the prescription. An hour later the pharmacy called. Insurance needs preauthorization. …
Category: Health
Articles related to health are in this category. Articles may not be authored by a staff member of whynotfathers.com. Credit will be given where credit is due. If you see an article, that isn’t properly referenced, please send our admin an email with a link to the article, and the name of the original author.
The Story of Doubting Dad
Dear Why Not Fathers, I know this dad. He has a son who suffers from mental illness. Really, the whole family suffers with the mental illness of the child. No one person in the family is immune to the tragedy that is mental illness. He and his family are literally doing everything that they can…
Did you really just ask me that???
Interesting conversation with the social worker where David is in care. The solution that the social worker at the hospital gave me was to call the cops if he becomes aggressive. I explained that the community depends on the Sheriff department for our police department and that they might have to come from their main…