Symptoms. Behaviors. What is the difference when you are speaking about a child? Since, I like to be clear what I am talking about, let’s go to the dictionary site to see what they say about the word symptom. Definition of symptom 1 a : subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance; broadly :…
Category: Mental Health
Articles relating to mental health are in this category. Typically they will fall into one of two categories. Yours, or your child’s. Yes, your mental health is important.
On Suffering Childhood Abuse
Suffering childhood abuse, it’s a topic that is in the news every day. Especially now with all of the celebrities that are speaking out about the events that happened in their lives when they were first starting out. On social media, people are asking, “why wait 20, 25, or 30 years to talk about it?” …
Where is the failure? Thoughts on FASD
A year ago, David was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). It’s a developmental disorder he was born with because of the birth mom’s drug and alcohol usage during the pregnancy. If he had been diagnosed before age 3, he would have DD services. Right now, because he didn’t have that diagnosis, he doesn’t…