There is a politician in Virginia who believes… ” disabled children are God’s punishment to women who have aborted their first pregnancy. ” I won’t say his name, because that in my book would be akin to an endorsement. I say this Mr. Politician. My wife has never had an abortion, not that it is…
Category: adhd
a bad parody of a Whitesnake song – Here We Go Again.
I feel like I am in a bad parody of a Whitesnake song called Here We Go Again. Same song different verse. David has stolen an iPod again. Plus a set of keys to everything that we own. When he got caught stealing the iPod, he became verbally abusive to us. Talking about how he…
Struggling as a father of children with special needs
Struggling as a father of children with special needs David, I am struggling today. Well actually, I have been struggling for a while, I am just now manning up and admitting it to myself. David, you require a lot of attention. At some times the attention involves raised voices. We do everything we can to…