Well, Sunday we had the whole family up to visit David. All of the kids were there, as well as Mom and I. We spent the period watching Finding Nemo, and playing games. All in all, I count it as a major success. No meltdowns, no tantrums. I wish they all went so well.
Category: family stress
Hello, it’s me again.
It is 5am. I can’t sleep. Later today the whole family is going to visit David. Can we say I feel a little angst about this? Yes we can. See, we have more than one child with emotional needs. More than one child with an Autism diagnosis. More than one child with feelings of angst,…
Can a marriage survive a special needs child?
How about a family that has more than one child with special needs? While I can’t speak for every family, I would say that a marriage can survive, but… always a but.. There has to be communication. What follows is my 10 point list for marriage with special needs kids in the family. Communication Private…