We are working on a series of posts titled Voices of Parents with Autistic Kids – The Truth as We Know It. As such we need your stories. If you could tell one story about your child with Autism, what would it be? Names will be changed to protect your identity. Since the tragedy in…
Category: Borderline Personality Disorder
I am going to use the R word.
[kc_background_pac_3_underline_3 size=”35″ color=”#000000″ ]Reprehensible[/kc_background_pac_3_underline_3]. I can define reprehensible, or you can look it up over at Dictionary.com. Talk of gun control legislation without talk of Mental Health service expenditures is reprehensible. We can not have one conversation without the other. It would be irresponsible of our society to assume that guns are solely to blame,…
positive thoughts about David
Met with the team about David today. Largely, the meeting was positive in nature. Working on the same issues of stealing, and aggression. Some days it is one step forward and two steps back, but he is working hard. Can’t ask for more than that right now. They had to make some changes to locks…