Well I got another warning from facebook regarding my friend requests.
I have friends on facebook from all over the world. Some I have met, like when I was stationed in Germany and dated someone who lives there for a while. But there are also well over 100 people that I have never before met in my life that I am now friends with. These include people in my blog promotion group, my personal group, my autism support group, my fibromyalgia group, and HOPELIGHTS. If facebook is going to warn me off for friending people that I don’t know, they need to apply it to more than half of the people who are on facebook.
I wish that I had captured the screens that facebook prompted me with.
I don’t friend people I don’t know without talking to them first. Usually we chat in a group of some type before I do that.
Seems to me that it is like shooting themselves in the foot.
In the end, facebook’s entire platform is built upon friends. If they don’t allow people to friend people that they don’t know, how do they expect their membership to continue to grow? Maybe they don’t…
So yes, I am frustrated. Maybe it is time to switch to Google, and Zurker.
Given that most people I want to target with my website are on facebook, I would like to maintain an account there.
Carl, that is crazy. Every once in a while I will get friend requests from people I don’t know and I will just ignore it. Or I will message them – I have found friends from school who I thought I didn’t know because they were now using their married name. I don’t know why FB feels the need to police it further!