>I give thanks.
My family was together for the holiday. Our youngest came home from the residential facility for the weekend. He was home from Wednesday to Sunday, and I am very proud to say that no major issues occurred. It was a great weekend. There were a few times when he wanted something his way, and we were able to handle it without a meltdown. I think the only “major” issue was when he was caught playing with a screwdriver around an outlet. He has been known to strip all of the outlet covers from a room.
There was a brief moment where he was sneaking around, but I think that was a test of his boundaries. All in all it was a good weekend.
On a side note, my health has been kind of strange. I lost my appetite last Wednesday and it just never really recovered. It has been declining for a couple of weeks. I eat because I don’t want to worry my family. So tomorrow will put in a call to my doctor and see what she thinks. But since I am scheduled to see her in two weeks, she may want to run labs now and then wait.
That is all for now faithful readers. Hope you all had a great weekend.